
We invited some friends to come to The Glade with masks on, not for protection against contagion but to disguise themselves.

Sug travels to a school in Guatemala at least twice a year.

One of the purposes of the party was to send Sug off to another mission in Guatemala with our prayers and support.

Charlie was our pitmaster tending the fire.

The weather was cool, so we all huddled around the fire pit.

These masks light up in the dark.

Some were simply elegant.

The uniqueness of each person’s masque was a nod to creativity.

After hot bowls of tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, guests noshed on both candied and savory popcorn snacks.

We enjoyed the food.

The party setting is much more enchanting by fire light.

We enjoyed the setting.

The party started at sunset and lasted into the evening.

And we enjoyed each other’s company.

A fun evening!


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