17 to Begin

During the covid-19 stay-at-home, social distancing order I find I’m more stimulated to declutter the house.

I’ve been working diligently on the attic cutter.

Then I happened onto a list of 250 things to throw away.  Some of these things I do own but are stashed so deeply away I never think of them.

Our pantry always seems to be overrun with plastic containers.

So to begin I looked at the list and chose items I could easily part with.  In the next little while I’ll be getting rid of the following 17 categories:

  1. Old belts
  2. Never used handbags
  3. Old lingerie
  4. Old stockings
  5. Old eye glasses
  6. Curling irons
  7. Old hair products
  8. Extra plastic containers
  9. Food processors
  10. Crocheted doilies
  11. Old toys
  12. Costumes
  13. Old calendars
  14. Old computers
  15. Excess vases
  16. Old musical instruments
  17. Old x-rays

I feel this is a manageable list.  I have already collected my old eyeglasses (#5) which I was keeping in a drawer.  I haven’t needed glasses for the past 15 years so I don’t know why I was even holding onto them.  Some aren’t even mine.  I have two options for local donation so whichever one is more convenient at this time is where they’ll go.

I don’t use curling irons.

I also have 3 curling irons (#6) which I have never used.  Does anybody still use curling irons?  Is there a use for them beyond hair styling? I’ll list them for a very small amount on Facebook Marketplace.

Dozens of x-rays are history.

I have collected our x-rays (#17) from the past 20 years from the bottom of the drawer where they have been kept.  I put them through the shredder one sheet at a time.  I have kept a few of the heavy plastic sheets for future arts projects as I know they make great custom-cut stencils.

I have a brass trumpet and a silver trumpet.

Finally I have 2 trumpets (#16) that no one in the house can play.  Surely someone needs them.

I donated some doilies to a local theatre prop shop but I still have more.

I’m hoping to finish purging this list of 17 items in the next 30 days.




2 thoughts on “17 to Begin

    • That’s a good question. I haven’t curled my hair for years and when I did I used brush rollers held in with bobby pins more to straighten than to curl. I do have an electric flat iron which I use from time to time. Jo


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